It's Complicated

It's Complicated


Duality thats found when masculinity meets Romanticism.

To see a black man as a complex human capable of both strength and tenderness. For a black man to be comfortable enough in his own masculinity to bathe himself in romance and celebrate the union of woman and man. The label for this installment is from “Mahogany” by Eric B and Rakim. Rakim was one of the first to make that critical crossover into RB cameos, and while referred to as The God, The aRsenal, the 18th Letter, etc. and one of the hardest mc’s of all time; he’s also been known to celebrate the divine union of The Gods (Black Man) and Earths (Black Woman). This is the first installment in my new…

Hip Hop Head Series

Edition of 10

22 x 36 in.

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Harper's Fairy

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Pursuit of Fruit (Roxanne Roxanne)

The Nerve

The Nerve

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Yea Eye-ite by Levi Robinson

Sew Fly

Sew Fly
